Case Study 3
Job Form Generator.
Bob works in a dry Cleaner company. Company gets so may dry cleaning jobs a day from different customers. Bob has to manage each and every job separately. He has to keep track of each and every clothe which has come in a particular job.
So, for every job, Bob makes a new form and enters details of all the clothes which are under that job.
So i am going to automate this form creation process.
Since all the jobs are of same nature, Forms will be similar for each job.
Let us first create a form Template first.
Here is a copy of form template which I created.(I'll call it "Job Form Template": see Form & Spreadsheet).
Now I will make another form (I'll call this form "Job Form Generator": see Form & Spreasheet ), which asks user for the Job Name or Job ID and other details etc. After submitting this form, onFormSubmit trigger will run a script which will make a copy of Job Form Template and rename it after the job Name or ID. Once the new Job form is created by the script, new form details will be added in the "Job Form Generator" Spreadsheet.
Continued... Full case study will be available soon