Fetch Gmail Attachment to Google Drive using Google Apps Script


This script will look for attachments in Gmail Message and Extract it to a Google Drive folder. Script can be run manually or through a time driven trigger. The script can be personalized by following the instructions

 given in this article. Installation notes

This procedure can be followed with any Gmail account. Once the installation is complete, script will run as per the specified interval, look for messages in Gmail which are not labelled and have attachments as file types specified. It will extract the attachment to a Google Drive folder and label the Gmail Message 'GmailToDrive'.

Would you like to set your preferences?

You may change line 3, 5 and 7 as per your preferences.

var fileTypesToExtract = ['jpg', 'tif', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'svg'];

This is an array for file types to look for. You may add or remove file types from this array.

var folderName = 'GmailToDrive';

This is the name of the folder to which files will be extracted to in Google Drive. If the script does not finds a folder with this name, it will create the folder in drive.

var labelName = 'GmailToDrive'; This label name is Gmail Label name. This is used by the script to identify which message has been processed and which has not not. Once a message is processed, script will put a label on those messages with below name. You may change the label name too.

Source Code


 * Note:

 * If you need any paid assistant, please write to support.waqar@gmail.com

 * We provide Apps Script Development services at very reasonable price.



//Array of file extension which you would like to extract to Drive

var fileTypesToExtract = ['jpg', 'tif', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'svg'];

//Name of the folder in google drive i which files will be put

var folderName = 'GmailToDrive';

//Name of the label which will be applied after processing the mail message

var labelName = 'GmailToDrive';

function GmailToDrive(){

  //build query to search emails

  var query = '';

  //filename:jpg OR filename:tif OR filename:gif OR fileName:png OR filename:bmp OR filename:svg'; //'after:'+formattedDate+

  for(var i in fileTypesToExtract){

query += (query === '' ?('filename:'+fileTypesToExtract[i]) : (' OR filename:'+fileTypesToExtract[i]));


  query = 'in:inbox has:nouserlabels ' + query;

  var threads = GmailApp.search(query);

  var label = getGmailLabel_(labelName);

  var parentFolder;

  if(threads.length > 0){

    parentFolder = getFolder_(folderName);


  var root = DriveApp.getRootFolder();

  for(var i in threads){

    var mesgs = threads[i].getMessages();

for(var j in mesgs){

      //get attachments

      var attachments = mesgs[j].getAttachments();

      for(var k in attachments){

        var attachment = attachments[k];

        var isDefinedType = checkIfDefinedType_(attachment);

    if(!isDefinedType) continue;

    var attachmentBlob = attachment.copyBlob();

        var file = DriveApp.createFile(attachmentBlob);








//This function will get the parent folder in Google drive

function getFolder_(folderName){

  var folder;

  var fi = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(folderName);


    folder = fi.next();



    folder = DriveApp.createFolder(folderName);


  return folder;


//getDate n days back

// n must be integer

function getDateNDaysBack_(n){

  n = parseInt(n);

  var date = new Date();

  date.setDate(date.getDate() - n);

  return Utilities.formatDate(date, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'yyyy/MM/dd');


function getGmailLabel_(name){

  var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(name);


label = GmailApp.createLabel(name);


  return label;


//this function will check for filextension type.

// and return boolean

function checkIfDefinedType_(attachment){

  var fileName = attachment.getName();

  var temp = fileName.split('.');

  var fileExtension = temp[temp.length-1].toLowerCase();

  if(fileTypesToExtract.indexOf(fileExtension) !== -1) return true;

  else return false;
