Display contacts in a table

Here is a very simple code, which will write all your contacts in a table. 



Example Code:

function doGet() {

  var app = UiApp.createApplication();

  var panel= app.createVerticalPanel();


  //get the contacts

  var contacts = ContactsApp.getContacts();


  //Create grid to hold the contacts data

  var grid = app.createGrid(contacts.length+1,4)

      .setStyleAttribute('border', '1px solid black')



  //Create the header row

  grid.setWidget(0, 0, app.createLabel('Name'))

    .setWidget(0, 1, app.createLabel('Email'))

    .setWidget(0, 2, app.createLabel('Ph.No.'))

    .setWidget(0, 3, app.createLabel('Address'));


  //Write all the contacts in grid/table

  for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++){

    //Get the full name, If it is null, display 'Not available'

      if(contacts[i].getFullName()!='')grid.setWidget(i+1, 0, app.createLabel(contacts[i].getFullName()));


      grid.setWidget(i+1, 0, app.createLabel('Not Available').setStyleAttribute('color', 'red'));


    //Get the First Email address, If it is undefined, display 'Not Available'


      grid.setWidget(i+1, 1, app.createLabel(contacts[i].getEmails()[0].getAddress()));



      grid.setWidget(i+1, 1, app.createLabel('Not Available').setStyleAttribute('color', 'red'));



    //Get the first phone number, If it is undefined, display 'Not Available'


      grid.setWidget(i+1, 2, app.createLabel(contacts[i].getPhones()[0].getPhoneNumber())); 



      grid.setWidget(i+1, 2, app.createLabel('Not Available').setStyleAttribute('color', 'red'));



    //Get the first address, If it is undefined, display 'Not Available'


      grid.setWidget(i+1, 3, app.createLabel(contacts[i].getAddresses()[0].getAddress())); 



      grid.setWidget(i+1, 3, app.createLabel('Not Available').setStyleAttribute('color', 'red'));




  //add the grid/table to the panel



  //add the panel to the application


  return app;
